Last week I gave a reading to a woman I’ll call “Leslie.” She was telling me how discouraged she felt. “I feel like I have a bigger calling, especially now with the pandemic. I want to do something with my gifts. I just can’t figure out how to get there so I keep going back to the same old comfort zone.” Does this sound like you?
One of the biggest challenges facing many of my clients is that they talk themselves out of their hopes and dreams before they even begin. They do this because they can't figure out how to get to where they want to go. I'd like to propose a radical alternative. I don't want you to try to figure out how to reach your goal. Let the Universe help you. Your skills and talents are needed now more than ever.
Here's my theory -- when you hold a strong desire or goal, you send out a vibrational energy that the Universe wants to match. In other words, it wants to help you achieve your goal. Your job is to be clear about what you want, to keep your focus off what you don't want, and to take small steps each day based on what you feel excited about. That excitement is your intuition communicating with you.
For extra bonus points and quicker manifestation, I also want you to visualize, affirm, feel and imagine your successful outcome.
My message to Leslie?
If something is in your heart that you feel excited about, you, (with the help of God/ The Universe/Your Higher Self,) have the means to achieve it.
Did you know that my intuitive consulting business began over 30 years ago when I felt intuitively guided about where to sit at a friend’s funeral service?!* If it can come up with an ingenious solution for me, it can do it for you, too.
The Universe knows how to make your dream happen. Think of it as a kind of Divine Intelligence that has the necessary skills to bring together the exact set of circumstances you need to make your goals a reality. All the logic and intelligence you can muster may not be able to pave the way to this ultimate goal of yours as easily as the Universe can. Let Divine Intelligence do its job and orchestrate all the synchronicities, coincidences and circumstances that need to occur for you to create a life you love.
So how about you? What’s your dream for your life? What step can YOU take today?
*The woman I was guided to sit next to turned out to be a writer for the Boston Globe newspaper. I ended up giving her an intuitive reading. She wrote a glowing article about my session. A week after it was published I had over 500 clients clamoring for a reading!