We are certainly going through a huge time of change, anxiety and fear. The pandemic is affecting us all in different ways – our bank accounts, our livelihood, our health. Call me an incurable optimist, but I feel hopeful.
This new normal is calling us to practice all that we’ve learned about spiritual growth and development. It’s at this time we need to stay open to our intuitive guidance. To be curious, kind, gracious, creative and thoughtful. Many of you were born at this time because you came here to be teachers, healers and way-showers for this shift that’s happening in our world right now.
Our planet is shaking up and letting go of the old, self-destructive ways. The ones in which greed, environmental destruction and “me first” prevailed. It is making way for the new and hopefully healthier structures of caring for each other, our community and our planet. We’re all in this together. You are part of this healing.
What does your inner wisdom have to say?
We all have different roles in this unfolding. But one of the primary ones is to choose peace and faith over fear.
Spend time every day tuning in to your heart. That’s where most of us experience our inner wisdom. Ask questions. Listen for the answers. They don’t always come right away. Be patient.
What are some good questions? Choose one or more of these:
How can I use this time to be of service to others?
What positive changes could I make in my own life at this time?
What changes would I like to see in the world and how could I be part of that process?
What would make me feel better today?
What could I do to make someone else feel better?
What are some self-care strategies I can commit to doing each day during this crisis?
The answers may come as an inner whisper, a nudge in a certain direction, an “aha moment.” You may be drawn to a book, a podcast, a conversation. All of these are among the many ways Spirit speaks to us.
Prayer of protection
One of my favorite prayers is from the Unity Church. It’s called “Prayer of Protection.” Whenever I feel upset and need to center myself, these are the words that come to mind:
The Light of God surrounds me;
The Love of God enfolds me;
The Power of God protects me;
The Presence of God watches over me;
Wherever I am, God is, and all is well.
Keep your focus on what you want
“Out of difficulties grow miracles,” said French author Jean De La Bruyere. Begin to think about what you would like to happen. (Not what you fear.) Author and speaker, Esther Hicks has a great sentence completion exercise that I love. “Wouldn’t it be great if….” You fill in the blank with whatever your heart desires. Grab a pad of paper and complete as many of those sentences as you can think of.
It will take some focus and practice to break the habit of habitual worrying, but the dividends will be huge. Because of your new openness, your intuition will be able to deliver some brilliant new ideas. You’ll also be receptive to synchronicities and coincidences that will open up possibilities and new directions.
I’m sending all of you love and positive thoughts. Write back and let me know any questions you have or topics you’d like me to write about. We’re all in this together.