— Sylvia Boorstein
I admit it. I’m generally a morning person. I usually pop out of bed, take a shower, have some breakfast and I’m good to go!
However, lately I’ve been waking up uncharacteristically grumpy. I’m not sure about the reason for this. Winter coming on? Stress? A work project that has taken on a life of its own? Whatever the reason, I’ve been determined to change it. I want to wake up and view the sunny side of life again.
I began to do a little research about techniques on how to make it a good day. Here are five life changing practices I’ve discovered by talking to friends, colleagues and clients:
What’s Fun?
While you’re still lying in bed, spend a few moments thinking about something you’re looking forward to. It can be something simple -- a good cup of coffee, a friend you’re joining for lunch, the novel you’ll read on the bus ride to work, or a fresh bouquet of flowers you’ll put on your desk.
Plan an Act of Kindness
Who do you know who’s having a tough time? Perhaps your co-worker could use a word of encouragement. Or your neighbor who’s been sick would love some of your homemade soup. Take some extra change along with you and drop some coins into a homeless person collection box. Or pay for the toll of the person driving behind you. Looking forward to helping others is a sure-fire way to get your day off to a good start.
Think about what you’re grateful for. It could be your warm bed, a great partner, your healthy body, work you love, good friends, the smell of coffee brewing, or the breeze on your skin. Take this time to be thankful for all that you have in your life instead of putting the focus on what you don't have.
What’s Your Intention?
Your thoughts have power. So, rather than lie there imagining another dreadful day, change your focus! For example, set the intention to have a productive, high-energy or simply a quiet day. You fill in the blank. Some people have suggested they find it helpful to choose a quality they want to exemplify for the day such as peace, compassion, humility or spirit.
Check in With Your Gut
Sometimes we have a tough time getting started because we’re dreading something during the day. Bring it to mind before you get out of bed. Think about the outcome you want. Ask your intuition, “What’s the best way to proceed?” or “How could I experience peace about this situation?” Pay attention to any images, feelings, thoughts that make you feel calmer. That’s your intuition speaking. Take action on its wisdom.
Addendum: As I was writing this blog, I had this tune sung by Doris Day going through my head called “When The Red Red Robin Comes Bob Bob Bobbin Along.” My sister and had bedrooms on the second floor of our house when we were kids. When my mom wanted to get us out of bed, she’d blast this song from the bottom of the stairs. I hated it at the time! But now, decades later, I recall it with fond memories. I may just download it to my smart phone and set it as my alarm wake up!
Here are some of the lyrics:
“Wake up, wake up you sleepy head
Get up, get out of bed
Cheer up, cheer up the sun is red
Live, love, laugh and be happy
What if I were blue,
Now I'm walking through,
Walking through the fields of flowers
Rain may glisten but still I listen for hours and hours…"
I’d love to hear your tips and comments. What helps make it a good day?